I'm betting that these two striped pieces belong to Jillian. They just seem like her aesthetic, particularly when given enough time to do a good job.
This dramatic although slightly ridiculous ruffled collar is either Christian or Chris, it reminds me of both of them. And there were a few dresses that looked like they were trimmed with monkey fur, which I'm assuming has to be Chris.
Painful plumbing date: $4500, I still don't have running water (at least, not my own - I have a hose stretched across the back yard to my next door neighbor's hose, "borrowing" his house's water), and it won't get fixed until freaking Thursday because Philadelphia has ridiculous permit requirments, and the utility companies (those highway robbers) require a 3 day period to spray paint lines on my street before the plumber can finally arrive with a backhoe and dig in betwteen them. The 3 day period doesn't begin same day as the request, doesn't operate on weekends, doesn't make any sense.
On the plus side, he's going to let me drive the backhoe. Somehow, if I'm already paying him $4500, I probably shouldn't want to do any of his work for him, but come on, it's a backhoe. How often does a girl get a chance like that?
Now you know that last design is Chris' right?! Has to be...look how over the top it is!
I thought you said your plumber was going to show up in a bathrobe (back hoe! I read too fast), and let me tell you that did NOT paint a pretty picture for me!!!!
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