Six items, 11 yards of fabric out of the stash, and no new fabric in.
I also caught the jeans-making bug from Patternreview and tried the jeans pattern from the 2/2007 issue of Ottobre. I made the first pair in a stretch plaid RPL, and was surprised how well they turned out. Well enough, in fact, that I turned around a few days later and made a pair in denim - for which I still have to post a review because I haven't had pictures taken yet.
Only one recycling project this month - I made Simplicity 2601 out of a plus size cotton skirt from my local thrift store. It wa a good test drive of a new pattern, and while the design didn't completely thrill me, it excited me enough to spend time thinking, obsessing, and finally merging it with Butterick 4985 to make an entirely new blouse. Now that was satisfying.
I also tried out the A-line skirt from the April issue of BWOF. April wasn't their interesting issue, not by a long stretch, but I thought that #101 would be a useful skirt. Made up in denim, it's great for weekend wear, but I can see it in a nicer fabric for work (though if I did that, I would also add a lining, which BWOF omitted). Bad, bad BWOF. Linings aren't that difficult, and most of the time they really can make or break a project. Again, I say, bad BWOF.
I'm also beginning to get the shirt-making itch again. It hasn't been that long, but we went shopping the other weekend and I stopped in this high-end men's store and had to stop myself from drooling. The shirts in this store had tons of details I want to try to reproduce, and sooner or later (probably sooner), I'll be making someone a new shirt.
A very good month, especially no fabric in. Good luck with your May sewing.
The "Liberty" blouse looks really good! I'd say you had a good month.
No fabric in! I'm not sure I'll ever be able to say that at the end of a month. I love your blouse projects!
Dang, you're productive! I'm in a fabric in, not enough garments out mode right now. Kashi has cute summer fabrics in now...
What a great month :)
That's been a productive month. Lovely things you made.
You've had a very productive month. Every piece beautiful made, but my favorite is the jacket. Love, love.
You call this "productive", Karen??? I call it amazing! You are like Cennetta--full time job, busy with your animals, your man, AND you still find time to crank out great things.
OMG OMG OMG i love that blouse!
It was a great month for you sewing wise!
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