I know it's not nice. I know that. And after what I tell you, ask yourself if you wouldn't want to do the same thing.
My aunt is moving soon into a much smaller apartment in a nice, safe, well-run seniors' apartment complex and out of the mouse nest she's lived in for 25 years, that her mother lived in for 35 years, and that the previous owner had lived in since 1953. It's a house that's never been lived in by anything other than elderly women. Got that picture? Yep, it's that bad.
I'm the only relative left, so I'm obviously the one to help her sort and pack and move. I'm okay with that - even without the random interesting goodies that are coming my way, I'd be okay with it.
Still breathing? Now my aunt KNOWS I sew. She knows how MUCH I sew. And obviously, the one thing you want to do for your niece whom you love aqnd who sews like a maniac is to DEPRIVE her of any interesting vintage sewing goodies in your possession. Right?
I'm so thankful the turquoise sewing case came my way back in April. There can't have been anything else like that left. Right?
:-( Oh dear, shaking her would be kind after that! Not that I am into viouence towards the elderly Lol. I can truly imagine how upset you must be, my great grandmothers treadle sewing machine went to a second cousins wife and when they divorced, she kept it or sold it! Now it has been lost to the family - I would have LOVED it!
oh, sad. Sad, sad, sad.
I'm sitting here in California and I can feel your pain. Yes, your aunt owned the objects and they were hers to give away but AAAAARRRRRGGGH! I'm so sorry this happened. AARRRGH!
Rose in SV
Those neighbors of your Aunt can only be described as unethical, rapacious louts.
Argh, I recommend going and making yourself a gigantic martini, anyway you like it!
Rather than stewing about it darling.. i would SO much insist you and your aunt go over to those "nice people" aka Vultures and explain as nicely as you can muster up--that those things were intended for YOU and there was just a bit of confusion...etc, etc
I have personally done this and am glad I did. Hope you have the nerve to do so. Standing up for yourself is not cruel to your Aunt. And really--what have you got to lose at this point?
Best of luck. Do it NOW>
I would suggest you see if the nice people are willing to give back the sewing stuff, you can try bribing them with something you are not interested in.
Anyways, my elderly aunt did the same thing, instead of giving my mother the few family treasures that had belonged to my grandmother she gave them for "safe keeping" to friends we didn't know and of course they were lost forever.
Good luck, but really try talking to these nice people.
I agree with West Coast and Lisette. You may not get "your stuff" back, but at least you will have tried.
If you don't get it back - then go shake your aunt! Just kidding!
My adrenalin was pumping *while* I was reading your post. My mother did the same thing to me (actually has done repeatedly). It takes a strong person not to choke.
But seriously, go to the neighbors, explain "confusion" and GET YOUR STUFF BACK!
I'm about to go through the whole moving out thing with my mother, except she's all signed up and has to pay $$$every month, but has no intentions of moving for the foreseeable future. Adrenalin, must go lay down...
Ouch - I think we are all feeling your pain. I sure did when reading this. I'm sorry, that must hurt :(
If you can't talk to the neighbors, I guess you have to chalk it up to old age and not thinking clearly. That can be the only excuse, right?
Now, that's sad, painful news to hear! Reminds me of when my brother gave my mother's Singer Sewing Machine to my other brother's Ex. Yep, I shook him hard even though he's bigger than me. I did talk to her about how much that sewing machine meant to me. That didn't help. Since the neighbors aren't ex-wives maybe they will listen and respond. It's worth a try.
Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan. :( I'd have a hard time not shaking too.
Well,I am sitting here in Switzerland and I can totally understand you, I would be frustrated. Almost sounds like those nice neighbors "stole" from your aunt. My sisters (she sews a lot like me) mother-in-law will be moving to a senior home. She was a professional seamstress. So we cleaned up her sewing stuff. Just to imagine, she would have given all of it away, would be make me sad.
Maybe shaking her like a Martini wouldn't help. How about have one to drink.
Sigh. And grrrrrr!
You shake her and I'll kick her in the shins!!! Shame on her! I almost gagged when I read this. I'm with the others though, get over there and tell them that was your stuff and your aunt wasn't supposed to give it away!
I think I can't breathe
OMG! I stopped breathing for a few seconds after I read the part where she gave it away--to strangers! I'll come with you to wring her neck.
OMG - you can't try and get it back? Say your aunt isn't of sound mind or something?????
Oh man, that sucks!!!!! Hopefully some of it can be retrieved from the rapacious neighbors.
i LOVE vintage sewing "junk"...oh, that's just sad....
Been through this with my family members. So sorry you're having this type of problem. It just makes us vow to not end up in that type of situation, huh?
Nope, you can't shake 'em, but you sure feel that way.
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