Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Those who can't sew

buy patterns.

My mojo is still stressed out and hiding under the bed, chewing its fingernails. I'm working sporadically on some small projects for the craft show, but the only interesting part of that process to me is the challenge of finding all the bits and pieces in the workroom. Since I'm making things that are meant to sell for low prices, I'm only using stuff I have on hand. There's some recycled stuff, some old stuff, some stuff that I don't remember even buying.

But on to the patterns. I was on PatternReview the other day, going through and cleaning out my wish list. Today, without actually planning to, I ended up back on PatternReview, buying 3 patterns that were on my wish list.

They were KwikSew. That means I know I'll like them, I know they'll fit, and I know absolutely adn without a doubt that they will look better than the cheesy envelope pictures.

First off, KS 3576. That one's thanks to Dawn, who made me see a pattern I'd never notice before. I think it definitely has possibilities.

Next, KS 3668. I saw this one on someone's blog recently - and if you're out there, please let me know who you are because it was a really cute blouse and I forgot to make note of where I saw it. I'm permanently on the lookout for blouses that I might not hate wearing, and more importantly, ruffles that won't make my boobs look ginormous. I think this might work, and if not, it's cute sleeveless and sans ruffles.

For the man, KS 2935. I know I already have the perfect KS man's shirt pattern, and I've only made it about 10 times now, but this one's a more casual shirt, and I'm curious to see if the drafting is any different. If it isn't, at least I'll now have a backup copy.

One non-KwikSew pattern - Burda 8164. I put this on my wish list when it first came out, because I loved the vintage look of the red suit (with red gloves!). It's been on my wish list for so long that when I tried to buy it today I realized it was out of print.

Except that's why Al Gore invented the internet, so I could look for out-of-print patterns and be satisfied more quickly than is decently possible. Burda 8164 is winging its way to me. It's mainly the jacket that I like, but the skirts have possibilities. All skirts have possibilities.

So that's what I've been doing. I wish I could say I've been sewing. But it'll happen. The move occurs in 2 1/2 weeks, and I think once that's done and my aunt is settled, December will stretch in front of me, empty and stress free, with only the holidays to deal with.


Linda L said...

Understand the not sewing thing, just starting to get over it myself.

Unknown said...

Dern. I swore off new patterns I saw KS 3576. Now I have to buy it and, I'm sure, 4 more will jump into my cart.

meli88a said...

I love buying patterns. I have the delusion that by owning the patterns, I also own the clothes... my "wardrobe" is endless!

Rose said...

Buying patterns is a normal result of mojo hiding. Of course, I don't need a reason (just an addiction I guess). Have you thought about vacuuming under your bed? That might scare the mojo out. All I have to do is think about housework and the sewing mojo gets moving!

Dawn said...

I love that KS jumper. In fact, I'm wearing it right this moment.

Dawn said...

Oh and and for revving up the mo-jo: if I force myself to stay away from the sewing room (including no magazines, no blogs, no fabric stores) I'm ready to go after about a day or so. I make myself stay away for about a week and then I'm dying to sewing. It's all that grass-is-greener thing. If you CAN'T do it, you really want to.

Miasews said...

I think I would do a lot to track down those people and get back at least one of those sewing machines. People can be so thoughtless.