I had to be careful how I pinned, because someone doesn't understand that the price of custom clothing is the occasional pin stab. He still yells ouch every time it happens. I barely notice anymore when I stick myself.
Happily, these sleeves need almost no easing, which is only right. Menswear has so much less ease in the sleeves than womens wear, and I am a big believer in Kathleen Fasanella's Sleeve Cap Ease is Bogus. That article was such a sewing epiphany for me!
What he doesn't get is the photos aren't just for posting here. I like having a visual reference of where I've gone with a project to keep myself on track if I ever encounter the same thing again. I wish I'd photographed the collar process, but I was afraid to actually put it down and take its pciture in case it got away.
The first photo above left is the sleeve without a shoulder pad. I intend to put pads in the jacket, I just like to see the difference - and there really is one. It's not like he doesn't have shoulders. I've done sloping shoulder adjustments on shirts for him but I didn't want to do that with the jacket; I thought I could fix things with appropriate padding, and it looks like it's going to work. The padded shoulder (second photo) looks much better.
I guess empty it sat lower on his shoulder and the space was filled by his back, which is wide at that point. Raised, it leaves a little gap, which will soon be gone.
Not sure how much sewing will occur before the weekend - I have a girlfriend coming over tonight in need of wine and estrogen therapy. Aren't we all? Mario's office party is tonight, so he'll be a little late, and mine is tomorrow night, which means if I felt like it I could be out all night. They're quite the party crowd.
Saturday: shopping, cooking, working on a house project (another one), and yes, definitely sewing. This jacket may not be a Christmas gift, per se, but he's going to wear it for Christmas or I'll know the reason why.
Wow! It looks great. I definitely prefer it with the shouldem-a-pads. ;)
This jacket is coming together so nicely!
Great post, Karen. The jacket is coming along nicely. I've enjoyed following the progress.
Oops! Have fun at your holiday parties.
I am not showing this to my dh. I truly relate to the selfish seamstress here. The jacket looks great and I have to say that my dd's lack of tolerance for pin stabbing is one reason I have never sewn all that much for her.
I just wanted to write a quick comment to agree entirely about the pin prick situation. I hardly notice it these days, but making costumes for my friends recently, every time i even touched them with a pin they would whinge for hours!
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