Apparently Heidi is contagious. I caught it over on Dressaday, and now maybe I can pass it on to one or two of you.
Isn't it cute? The dress looks way better on me than it does on Evelyn, but it's still cold. And I'm still cold. And I'm not putting a sleeveless dress on and standing in my drafty living room with bare legs and high heels while I get my picture taken. No way, no how.
Things I really like about this dress: the neckline, which is really flattering and not as low as it looks, at least not if you've got sufficient boobage to put in it. Another thing I like is that after a few recent bleh patterns and issues with boob placement / storage in some of those patterns, it was nice to run across one that was drafted to fit them.
I also like the pockets. Generally I'm lukewarm on pockets - I like them in some things, but they're not deal-breakers for me, and frequently in pants and skirts they are deal-breakers because they make the fit so wonky. These are quite substantial pockets in a relatively narrow skirt. I like efficient use of storage.
If Ikea designed dresses, this might be one of their bestsellers. Follow me here. It's like a good Ikea product - clean lines, modular (pockets and tucks that can be added or left out, to suit the user), the ability to fit into most wardrobes in a variety of fabrics.
Maybe not next up, but definitely somewhere in the line: another Heidi in plaid. I've already marked the pocket edges and the hip yokes to match my plaid, and in between the two hip / pocket pieces there's another narrow center panel, which will have the plaid run on the bias.
I like a pattern that gives me ideas for the next version before I've even finished the first one.
Here's the full patternreview, which has more details and photos.
I was supposed to be off Monday and go to NY for a Patternreview shopping day (which I instigated), but now I have to stay home. Missing two days of work mid-week got me so far behind that I can't justify taking a vacation day for retail therapy when I'd be spending the day fretting about the state of my desk. And it was much appreciated when I retracted my vacation request. Things have been really busy in work lately and we're in the midst of staff reorganizing, so I would just as soon be around while the "fun" stuff is going on. (Sorry Elizabeth!)
I'm not sure what's up next. I'd like to just jump into the next Heid, the way I made two Fatina dresses when I fell for that pattern last year, but I think I'll try something else next and then go back to my new friend, Heidi.
What a beauty, Karen!
What a cute dress! I see why you want to make more
Oh I love the dress Karen. So simple but sooo pretty. Tell me, how did I miss seeing this anywhere?
What a beautiful way to use that fabric! I used mine as lining under a black eyelet skirt so I know that this is a spring dress. And it's interesting that you are sewing for spring in the midst of all this you have spring fever? ;)
Can't wait to see the next version!
I LOVE THIS DRESS! Can't wait to see it on you. Ok, ok, I will try this dress, thanks for sending it to me. I love that fabric. Yay!
The dress is beautiful. And the fabric is a perfect match for this pattern. Wow, well done!
Hi There,
Am just about to make my own Heidi but after I downloaded the pattern I see there are no sewing instructions - what to do????
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