I made this pattern before, back in January 2008, and I was so unimpressed that when I found the pattern during my recent pencil-skirt hunt, I really didn't remember that I had sewn it. I only realized it when I searched Patternreview tonight to see who else had made it and discovered . . . that I had.
At least I gave it "recommend, with modifications."
No modifications this time. When I made it before, I cut the fabric after 10:00 p.m. and somehow omitted to add seam allowances. The only way the skirt went together at all was because it was very stretchy fabric. This fabric isn't as stretchy, but with seam allowances, it doesn't have to be.
Like my recent plaid pencil skirt, this pattern also has interesting lines and piecing, and again, it's a back zip with back pieces that wrap around to the front to fit into a narrow, curved front panel. There are hip yokes front and back which, if you're not careful, will bubble over your hips. They took a bit of tweaking to get to lie flat, but once I had them where I wanted them, I did two lines of topstitching on either side of the seam.
All the seams have double lines of topstitching, none of which is particularly visible because of my slightly vibrant color choice. I hemmed the skirt with my coverstitch machine.
I've turned one of the detail photos to black and white so that the seamlines are visible.
The last time I made this, I drafted a facing for the inside rather than lining the entire skirt, but I think I also suspected that the skirt was not long for my wardrobe, and therefore, it would be a waste of lining fabric. This time I lined the skirt in a matching red-orange lining, and it feels good. It's a snug-fitting skirt, but not tight.
When I wore the other skirt, my boss told me it reminded him of one of Mrs. Wiggins, the tight-skirted secretaryfrom the Carol Burnett Show in the 1970s. Since I've never considered any of Carol Burnett's characters to be my fashion icons, I rapidly reconsidered and the skirt went into the scrap bin.
The pattern, by the way, is BWOF 6/2007 #113. And yes, this time, made with seam allowances and from a better fabric, I would recommend it.
And just think how many orange-based pieces I have in my wardrobe which will be automatically toned down by this vibrant piece of skirtage!
Back then my favorite comedy skit was definitely "Mrs. Wiggins" and
Tim Conway :)))) so funny!
Your skirt looks great and I like the hip yoke style.
Another cute BWOF skirt! And yes it is bright!! I managed to trace out the other skirt (previous post) over the weekend...but that also involved cleaning out the garage as I could not find the pattern sheets!! I then cut out some muslin. If I am a good girl I may sew that up tonight to check fit :)
Gorgeous! I also love orange and have quite a few pieces that I must sew.
Great looking skirt. Gee, it's too bad that you like it. It would go so well with my orange wardrobe plans :).
Now that is funny! I've been halfway through a book before realizing I've already read it, but I don't think it's happened with patterns.
OMG, I've had so many Mrs. H-Wiggins skirts in my past!!
Your skirt looks fabulous, love the details!
Orange is one of my favorites, and you have the coloring to wear it well. That skirt has interesting lines. Nice sewing!
Wow you really made that pattern work! I'm curious - what fabric? I'd made this pattern out of a pretty thick cotton pique which, in retrospect, wasn't a great choice: I never even wore it. Yours looks lovely. Model it?
Nice skirt. I love it in that bright orange. It will look great with all shades of brown.
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