Thank you for your compliments on my gorgeous Gorgeous fabric - I can't wait to cut into it and show you what it's going to be. There was some serious Frankenpatterning going on in the workroom last evening and . . . count 'em, two muslins.
I hate muslins, have I ever mentioned that? I know that at times they're necessary (way more often than I choose to take advantage of them), but I prefer muslins of the wearable variety so I get an extra piece of clothing out of the journey. Not this time.
In other news, the craft show sewing is FINISHED. Unless I decide to make something else, that is. I stopped at 60 pieces, and I'm okay with that number. If I get inspired to make more, or if - fingers crossed - something sells so well during the first week that I'm willing to do it again, that's a whole other thing.
Today was the last day of my long weekend, during which not enough sewing got done. But today, instead of working on my dress, I knocked out a gift for a co-worker whose wife is due fairly soon. It's the same BWOF pinafore dress I made recently for my friends' baby (the purple ladybug dress) except this one was made from a great shirt I found at the thrift store - minty green with little pink houses. I did all the topstitching in hot pink and used more of the endless stash of pink buttons I seem to have inherited from my non-pink-wearing relatives.
The whole thing, cut to final pressing, took a little over an hour. I think it's cute, but I'm almost over the clothes for small people thing. If I had an hour to sew, I could have knocked out another BWOF turtleneck, or a KS tshirt of my choice, or been well on the way to another pair of my favorite TNT pants.
Maybe tomorrow. Mario has a class tomorrow night and that means I have 3 hours of quality time with my new friend, who is performing just like my old friend.
An oddity in closing. I bought the shirt at the thrift store on Friday. They had a Black Friday sale. They had 6:00 a.m. doorbusters and 65% off all merchandise. The discount had dropped to 50% by 9:00 a.m. when all the sane people ventured out. They even had coffee and doughnuts for the early birds.
What does it say about the economy when the thrift store observes Black Friday???
Ver pretty little dress!
What a great dress, and out of a shirt. love it!
Great dress and great idea! Our thrift store had 50% too but they always have 1/2 price day on the last Friday of every month. I scored two bolts of fabric for summer dresses for a total of $3.
Nice are SO talented!
Good luck at the craft sale! I wish there were any good thrift stores in DC--the ebayers have picked them clean and all that's left is truly garbage.
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