Sunday, July 29, 2012

Stash Building

In lieu of stash pictures, I give you Max  --- I call this
look Mr. CurlyWhiskers
I know, I'm supposed to be stash busting, not building.  Oops.  But when Claudine asked if I wanted to accompany her on her yearly pilgrimage to London Textiles in Cherry Hill, NJ, I couldn't say no.

Well, I guess I could have, but I'm not crazy.  London Textiles has great fabrics - there's some very high end stuff on rolls on their shelves, but my favorite is the remnant area in the front where you get to bin dive in what are basically appliance boxes filled with pieces of those same high end fabrics.  Heaven.

I took public transportation to NJ and Claudine picked me up at the train, so from the start I knew my shopping would be limited by what I could carry on 2 different trains and then on the walk home.  I took one of my trusty Patternreview tote bags and determined I would buy nothing more than I could stuff in it.

Easier said than done, but on the other hand, fabric is soft (even if it's heavy) and I managed to cram 11 different remnants into my bag.  A not inconsiderable addition to my stash wall.

I got knits in white, black and charcoal gray, and also a wool blend in tomato red.  Two pieces of a lightweight Anna Sui silk will eventually become a blouse.  An ivory lace with some lilac will become . . . something.  I don't know; it was pretty; I couldn't help myself.  I also got the last remaining piece of the black and white spotted fabric with cherries that anyone who went to the Philadelphia PR Weekend will remember.  Why didn't I buy it at the time?  And why is the piece I bought just under 1 yard?

There's a toasty-brown sweater knit that is calling out to be a major piece of my fall wardrobe.  An embroidered denim wants to be a long skirt.

And the last piece, the one that they threw in for free because it had obviously had pattern pieces cut out of it, is the one talking to me the loudest.  Go figure.  It's black, which I don't wear a whole lot, but it's got texture, and attitude, and if I cut very creatively, I can turn it into . . . something.  Stay tuned.


annie said...

Do you have to go on a particular day? Or do I have the wrong business? Their website says "Wholesale...."

SEWN said...

Oh sure, go together after I move away from NYC. Whatever.