Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bad Blogger, Good Giveaway

Somehow I've ended up with two copies of this fabulous sewing reference.

As an apology for my spotty attendance here at the blog, and because I'm trying to keep my rubble under reasonable control, I'm offering my second copy (previously owned by the Chester High School Home Economics Department) for giveaway.

No rules, you don't have to tell me the reason why you want it (though stories are always welcome because they make good reading) - just leave a comment by July 3rd and I'll pick a random entry on the 4th and let the lucky winner know after that.

Keep cool, everyone.

*** Edited to add that, due to budgetary constraints and the price of international postage, the giveaway is U.S. only; if you're outside the U.S. and willing to pay postage, please leave a comment to that effect.


Bonnie O. said...

Looks like a cool book!

Auset's Stitched Treasures said...

Tossing my name into the hat for this giveaway.

Mikie said...

I so love me some sewing books!

andib said...

I'll toss my name in the hat too!

Graca said...

oh, what a cool giveaway!

Faye Lewis said...

Please enter me in too. Thanks!

slvrnmph said...

I would love to add this to my very small collection of sewing books.

bell said...

I'm interested. Both for the book, and because my father attended Chester High.


Linda T said...

Oh, I'd love a chance at the book!

Kimberly said...

I would love to win this book.

Daws said...

I'd love it!

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate receiving a copy of this book as it brings back happy sewing memories with my Mum. I am now returning to sewing after a long hiatus and the tailoring/sewing techniques in this book would be really helpful.
Thanks for offering this giveaway.

Not too internet savvy sorry so choosing an identity to publish isn't working. Here's my email addy should I be successful.

Isabel's Daughter said...

Please add my name to your giveaway list. I love to read your blog, as I am native Philadelphian, long settled in Delaware County.


JT said...

Neat! I hadn't heard of this book until you posted it, but I'd love to win it. I've been trying to sew more out of magazines like Burda and Manequim because I like the fit better the Big 4 pattern companies, but sometimes the lack of instructions slows me down. I have a few books on shirt construction, pant construction, etc... but I'd love to have one definitive book I can flip open for construction order!

Lisa Laree said...

While I can't say I recall anything about this book in particular, little bells are going off in the back of my head trying to tell me that I *once* knew something about it and it should be worth commenting!

Although I think Bell Neice should win since that's her dad's alma mater. ;-)

Teddylyn said...

I'd love this book!


Beverly said...

I would love to have that book!

Anonymous said...

I've only ever heard of the bishop method and read something here or there. this would be really great to have. Thanks for offering it!

BeckyMc said...

I'd love a chance to have the Bishop Method book. Always trying to improve my "method".

badmomgoodmom said...

Ooh, that's a book I really want to read.

I especially appreciate that she calls them methods instead of "tricks" or "secrets".

Let's just agree to call them methods or techniques and not keep them secrets, ok?

Rebecca said...

I don't have this one yet! I've heard its good.

CarmencitaB said...

The more I read, the more I know! My brother lives in the States, you can ship it to him.

Cindy said...

heard good things about this book. Would love to put this in my sewing library.

joen said...

What a great book giveaway! Always looking to add to by sewing knowledge and add to my reference library. Its so hot and humid to be outside or pouring down rain so I'm spending quality time in my sewing room! Good news is my tomato plants seem to be thriving in this crazy NJ weather!

thillsd said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

I here by volunteer to be the winner...

If the random number thing-a-ma-bob cooperates!

Joyce in NC said...

Please enter me in the drawing!

Mary said...

I would love to have a good reference book. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Rose said...

Please enter me in the drawing. I'd love to have this book. I've heard many good things about the Bishop Method. Thanks!

Marjie said...

I'm just outside Scranton and willing to pay postage! I'll share with my daughter, who also sews!

Ms. McCall said...

Oh that looks like the perfect thing to have on hand when I'm trying to decipher the crazy burda magazine instructions - please add me to the raffle!