Readers of Songbird, rejoice, for there will - officially - be another book.
I recently signed a new contract with my publisher for my second Tudor novel, which will follow the side character of Robin Lewis through his eventful life through the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Mary I.
The book has already been submitted and first round edits complete. This is a big deal, because even though I tend to submit a very clean manuscript (possibly because it's been gone over 842 times), it doesn't stop me from thinking, "What if they hate it? What if they want me to change everything?" (Side note: I wouldn't. There are changes, and then there are changes. Most of what was requested in edits was a cleanup of my excessive love of commas -- yet not my even more excessive love of em-dashes. Go figure).
A Wider World won't be out until April, 2021, but I've started working on a third book, featuring a character who appears at the end of the second book, and I'm working on a novella that will be a freebie for members of my readers club. Not a member? Join here.
Congratulations!!! Looking forward to reading the next one.
Exciting! Hilary
Delighted to see you have another book in the works. I've read "Songbird" three times already and feel when I reach for it again, I'll still find something new.
Thanks so much for your support! Dot, I don't know if I know who you are, but just know you're one of my favorite people in the world right now for that comment!
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