Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Five years (almost)

It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that on November 2, it will be five years since Songbird was published.



It feels like six months. It feels like a decade.

Because Covid happened during that period, it actually has been both six months and a decade, because that stretch of time did literally stretch. And drag. And reinvent itself. 

Maybe that's why I've been able to write so many books since. Time has no meaning; I can accomplish as much as I can cram into a single day.

But anyway, to celebrate the anniversary, Songbird is on sale for $0.99 (all markets) on November 2. 

I'm also doing a giveaway of three sets of the entire Tudor Court series on my newsletter and over on my author Facebook page. Paperbacks for those in the U.S. and ebooks for everywhere else. So if you're interested in a chance at that, please reply to the newsletter or comment on a Facebook post about the anniversary giveaway to be entered.

Happy spooky season to those who celebrate ... or indulge in a bucket of highly inappropriate sugary snacks if the kids don't show up when they should. It's the best reason to buy candy you like. Just in case.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on this anniversary! I hope your books continue to do well.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed the book. You have a way of getting into the minds and hearts of the characters and expressing that uniquely. I thought that was where you really excelled - amid all the Tudor content that I absolutely love. ❤️