Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Not so merry everything

This has been a weird week. No, strike that it's a weird time. No end date in sight, and I can't really tell you when it started. 

My last big craft show of the season was supposed to be saturday. On thursday, we got an email from the organizers that the owner of the venue was afraid that some of the artists might be showing offensive or politically sensitive work, and threatened to cancel the show unless all the artists signed a waiver that they would show nothing that would upset anyone. 

Weird, right? Upsetting, but my first instinct, since my work doesn't fall under those headings was to sign. And then I immediately regretted it, contacted the organizers, and said "I'm in favor of going forward if you can, but if you cancel, I absolutely understand and support that, too."

They were in a rough spot. It's everybody's biggest, and generally final event of the season. But still, over 50% of the vendors refused to sign. Kudos to them, and again, I wish I hadn't been so quick off the mark and thinking about my business versus my morals.

It went on. The venue backed down, but then late on Friday, their attorneys came back with the same demand, and the organizers told them to get stuffed. They managed to pull a small version of the show together at several indoor and outdoor venues in the neighborhood. There wasn't room for everyone, and I backed out because I felt like the artists who had the guts to protest should also have first dibs on selling. 

All of this came about - probably, since we weren't told - because one artist had a Free Palestine t-shirt.

In a segue to my town's holiday celebrations, there's a left-leaning community organization in town that does a lot of good. They also had an informative program about Palestine, with presentations from all sides of the conflict, which was widely attended. And yet, there was a huge stink when they marched in the winter lights parade with a peace dove. Because peace is suddenly political? 

I'm over it all. Everyone is offended by something, and what I'm choosing to be offended by are the people who deliberately blow up an issue into something it was never intended to be. 

Show season done. Back to writing. I can see a long winter's nap in my future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weird with all caps. And how can anyone promise not to offend anyone with Americans so easily offended by everything. I hope the rest of your holiday season is quiet and peaceful. Jean