Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A little help

We had snow again on Sunday. Thankfully we were off on Monday, so we could clean up at our leisure and not have to skate or drive anywhere. It wasn't a heavy snow, but it was hte kind with an ice crust underneath. Glad the sun came out.

Modern medicine is a thing, y'all. Almost two weeks ago, I had a follow-up doctor's appointment and she gave me meds for my blood pressure. Ten days on, my pressure is at 118/74, which is many, many points lower than it was. 

I still ahve a lot of catch-up work to do. Mammogram, annual gyn, bloodwork... The bloodwork is happening this Friday, even though the thought of it makes me hyperventilate slightly.

I was talking to someone at work last week who mentioned how much online counseling had helped him after his wife's death and I thought about it and made an appointment with BetterHealth. I know why I avoid doctors - I have a laundry list of reasons as long as the care I've avoided - but I decided that getting some help in reframing those reasons and getting tthrough apointments without my blood pressure and heart rate spiking to worrying levels could only be a good idea.

And it was. I got matched with a therapist within 48 hours (they ask very specific questions about what you want/don't want from a therapistt) and we had our first chat last Friday. Sometimes it's just good to bounce the weirdness in your brain off someone else who can tell you - with medical certainty - that your brain isn't that weird. I'm talking to her again tomorrow, to get me prepped for Friday's labs.

There's no shame in asking for a little help. Even the best car needs a tuneup every once in a while. If you're interested in trying it out, this link will get you two free weeks.

Onward, people. If I don't deal with my health, I'll have to deal with my ill health. I know which I prefer.


Carol in Denver said...

So glad you're getting help for your current situations. I had years of Jungian counseling with a kind and wise therapist. It was life-changing in a life-affirming way; I am forever grateful for him. I also had major surgery last Fall. The medical care-givers were kind, caring and knowledgeable, again I am filled with gratitude.

Summer Flies said...

Well done. It's one thing to make the decision and get help but it's very gracious of you to share it and hopefully help someone else change their thinking.