Most of the new patterns didn't do diddly for me - did everyone see the Michael Kors dress? what was he thinking? On the other hand, there were a few that I really liked. I've narrowed it down to one - which has the added draw of having several appropriate fabrics already in stash. I've decided I might need V8480 because (a) it's a jacket, and I have a massive weakness for jackets, and (b) in the most recent cleanout, I gave the thrift store all my old denim jackets. Face it, they weren't doing anything for my figure (being either men's or so generically cut that they might as well have been menswear, and after a certain age, a lady needs all the help she can get to remind herself and others that yes, there is a waist under those clothes). This could be made up in several fabrics, but I think it would be cute in denim, and I do need a generic throw-over-everything jacket that doesn't look like a candidate to be taken to the thrift store anytime soon.
Also, fabric stores will never run out of fabric, buttons and zippers will not disappear off the face of the earth, and patterns won't stop being made anytime soon - especially since I have a Burda subscription. This thinking is how I've gotten into stash hell, and I've got to claw my way out somehow.
I just love that jacket!! I might try and tackle that one myself!
I'm feeling very tempted by this sale today, too. Oh dear. What is one to do?
I've been thinking about making that jacket too. I hope I can get to it before spring is in full swing!
I need to memorize your last paragraph and repeat it to myself as a mantra when I get anywhere near a fabric store or the internet.
That jacket is very cute! Even though I'm not in stash hell yet (I think I only own two cards of buttons. Well, okay, also about nine thousand yards of bias binding in every color under the sun) I'm pretty proud of myself - I went to a fabric store last night, shopped for about 20 minutes, and left empty handed. Yay us! Oh, I still bought five more vintage patterns in the wrong sizes, but whatever, I still claim a victory!
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