I was making cookies last night and the doorbell rang. It was my plumber. Now, he was just out the other week doing some routine stuff, but there was no reason for him to stop by. I ask what's up, and he says to come out to his truck, he's got something for me. I follow him outside, and in the van is a 1951 Singer table model sewing machine. One of his customers gave it to him and he thought of me.
He didn't even know that I sewed; he thought it was old and pretty, and even if I didn't know how to use it, he thought it would look nice sitting around my house. We lugged it inside, and it's sitting in my dining room right now, where it might actually stay - it is a nice dark wood table and it does look good under the window, there's no more machine space in the workroom, and if this thing is as heavy-duty as it looks, it's going to become the leather machine and I'll just use it downstairs.
There's a box of what he called "parts" (I'm assuming presser feet, ruffler, etc.) that he left in the shop and will drop off next week. In the table drawer, there were about a dozen bobbins, still with thread. I'm pretty excited to have a new (old) toy to play with.
Knip Mode is apparently as parka-happy as BWOF (is it me, or is this not what you think of when you think "parka?"). Whatever. It's cute, and I like it. Maybe instead of a BWOF parka, I'll try this one.
I also like the back section of the magazine, where there were 3 pictures of actresses/famous women - Kate Winslet, Nicole Kidman and someone I don't know - with a pattern and styling suggestions for reproducing what they're wearing. I like the Nicole Kidman jacket - wouldn't mind making that up. I'm pretty sure I have several fabrics
Anybody out there have any experience with Knip Mode? I'd be curious to hear how their sizing runs as compared to BWOF and Patrones. There have been a bunch of issues on Ebay lately, so if I like this, I'll consider picking up a few more. You know, to join the BWOFs and the Patrones subscription that should be arriving one of these days.
Wow, your "plumber" just decides to give you a sewing machine? He doesn't even know you sew? Could it be puppy love? A hot crush? LOL
That was an amazing gift! Enjoy the sewing machine!!!
oooh lovely machine.
I live in canada but my mum is still in England and she was talking about her will and the house.I told her my younger sister should get the house as i have one ...all i want is the peddle singer that she now uses as a telephone table LOL.I told her i'll even pay to ship it here :)
Hey, that's so cool! After you get it up and running, can you give me pointers? I got a White Rotary from freecycle, I posted on PR about it not too long ago. http://sewing.patternreview.com/cgi-bin/sewingclasses/board.pl?t=31302 It has yet to be experimented with...
Uh, I think I need a new plumber LOL! What a guy!
Wow great plumber! I have some Knip Modes but haven't made anything from them so no help there! Hey I bought a new machine today- no neighbourhood plumbers here ! And also maybe an industrial too. I just have to make up my mind on that one.
Wow great plumber! I have some Knip Modes but haven't made anything from them so no help there! Hey I bought a new machine today- no neighbourhood plumbers here ! And also maybe an industrial too. I just have to make up my mind on that one.
ooh, KnipMode! You're in for a treat - I picked up a few issues last year when we were in Holland and I'm completely hooked now. I've sewn SO much stuff from my various issues (but I don't have this Aug one just yet). Their sizing is pretty similar to BWOF but they're not quite as meticulous with their drafting so you've got to pay attention. Oh, and they like to split up pattern pieces on their sheets, so the front of a dress might be three pieces on the paper so you've got to match up symbols before you cut your fabric. But generally I find them just as easy as BWOF and not nearly as taxing as Patrones (as much as I love them!).
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