Seven out of the month's projects were actually sewing for others: the Burda baby dress for my former co-worker, the maternity top for my current pregnant co-worker (started in April, but then I got derailed); a KwikSew tshirt to a friend; an Ottobre tank for my roommate; and three (I know, I know, how many shirts does a man need?) short-sleeved summer shirts for Mario. Which used up 6 yards of brand-new fabric in less than a week.
I thought I was done for May and was just doing some tidying of the sewing room and browsing on Patternreview, and I noticed the 2-2009 #1 Ottobre camisole/tank in Dawn's mini-wardrobe contest entry. I hadn't really looked at it in the magazine, but I decided to trace it off and give it a try - I had enough fabric left over from the maternity top. I love it! My roommate wandered past, tried it on, lamented that it was too big, which left me no option but to make one for her in a smaller size. Hers was recycled fabric - she had given me a geisha print knit top that was too big for her and I cut it apart and turned it into a top that did fit her. (Ah, the hardship of being too small for everything!)
For June, I'm planning at least one jacket (haven't decided which yet, either BWOF 4/09 #115 or the Hotpatterns Riviera Cardigan), a few pairs of shorts or capris for myself and another sundress or two. Plus I need to find a cropped jacket to wear over the McCall 4444 sundress so I can actually wear it to work without showing too much skin and/or freezing to death.
Okay you are doing these end of the month reviews soooo much better than I am. :) You are also doing so much better with sewing up the fabric than I am!!! I will have to do much better next month!
I'm always so impressed with the amount you get done!
Busy month! I like that Mario is coming around to modeling his shirts--it's great to see them on a person.
You had a lot of impressive sewing completed in May plus you are doing a good job of handling stash Vs purchased fabric. I aspire to come close to what you are doing!
Great work (as usual :) ), Karen!
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