Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ottobre 5/09 #113 Jacket - Finished

We got back from dinner a little while ago and I ducked right into the workroom.

The buttons are on, the jacket is done, and the pattern review is here.

Woohoo, two projects in a month. If I sew any faster, I'll scare myself.


Lori said...

Very pretty jacket, great job.

Kitty Couture said...

Your jacket is gorgeous, Karen. Love it.
I'm sorry you haven't been able to sew more. I sure got to know the feeling when I kept moving around England and France, so I totally empathize.

You'll be sewing with a vengeance once your workroom is all up and running.

toy said...

looks very professional, great job

Helen said...

I love your jacket! Love the colour, fabric and style. Beautiful sewing. And re your last blog entry, you most definitely should have cheated and paid to have your buttonholes done! That made me laugh! I'm always doing "crazy" things like that! It will be great though when you get a chance to do some buttonholes on your new old machine! Keep sewing and keep blogging - I love your posts!

Helen said...

Gorgeous photograph of Alice.

Little Hunting Creek said...

Beautifuljacket - it's not cheating to have your buttonholes down. If I lived near them I'd have them do all of mine!

Myra said...

I love the jacket and would have paid for buttonholes, too.

Rachel said...

The jacket is beautiful and I love your choice of fabric.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

I'm glad you were able to get that last piece finished. It is a very pretty jacket.

Meg said...

Nice! Very classy jacket.