There has been progress on the pinstripes, but you can't see it because the camera battery died and it hasn't finished charging yet.
Instead, I give you a photo of the ladies of the workroom: Lily, sprawled on the remains of the pinstripe, a few pattern pieces, some lining and other fabrics and, it turns out when I couldn't find them, my pinking shears. In the rear is Katie, from her perch by the ironing board. She's not quite as malevolent as she looks; red-eye reduction doesn't work well on cats.
Thank you to everyone who was concerned and outraged on Alice's behalf. She's feeling much better and her breath is downright pleasant now when she breathes on me in the morning. She's back to eating her regular food and has gotten over that sedative-induced affection that was the only pleasant part of the whole experience. She's naturally skittish and has gone back to her old ways, but since I know she's no longer in pain it's okay.
Cats do love to matter what their background, they take to it with gusto. I see a Golden Touch and Sew back there. I remember it is a big deal in my middle school Home Ec days. Glad Alice's dental hygiene is up to par now. I've been thinking about what my own vet's reaction would have been had the situation happened here. I know an apology would have been the first thing I would have heard. And our vet always goes over the animal and discusses the procedure with the owner when you pick up the cat, so the...ahem...medical supplies would have been caught at that point. Ah well, the best thing is that Alice is herself again!
I love the photo of the kitties. I have a cat that is even now upstairs asleep in the scrap box...or helpfully pressing pattern tissue for me. When I go up to sew, he will sprawl himself to the left of the machine. I would worry about him getting hurt, but he is far too fat to fit under the presser foot;). He gives me a dirty look when I finally dump him on the floor so that I can sew something bigger than a collar.
I'm glad that the cats let you sew in their room! I think cats love fabric as much as we do. That's good new about Alice!
I just caught up with your blog and am so angry with the treatment your poor cat received from the vet. I hope poor Alice is so much better now!
Hah! Cats love all things sewing, don't they? Cutting out fabric was such an ordeal with my late cat. I miss him sitting my my fabric and then swatting me when I tried to get him to move.
Great title, and great picture. I was disgusted when reading how Alice (and you) had been treated. Glad to know she's doing fine!
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