Pattern Sizing: 36-44 (similar to Burda sizing).
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes, pretty much. Look at the line drawing to the left of the image if you want more detail; I love color and print almost as much as the people at My Image, so it may be hard to see.
Were the instructions easy to follow? My Image has instructions in 4 languages, German, Dutch, French and near-English. By that I mean they get occasional words off, like having several different words for the bands/facings (rushes, edgings and facings), but on the other hand, they number the steps in their instructions and keep them pretty brief, so it's still hard to get confused. Considering that most of the time we have to sew WITHOUT instructions if we're using Burda, this is a step up, albeit a small one. Translation has gotten better in the newer issues.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I just thought it was a pretty, practical pattern. I had recently purchased 2 yards of this gorgeous sweater knit from Gorgeous Fabrics, and I no sooner opened the magazine than the fabric started yelling from the back room, "Me! Me! Pick me!" So I did. And it was right.
Fabric Used: Sweater knit from Gorgeous Fabrics, underlined in chocolate brown lining fabric and with 5 wooden buttons I picked up on a vacation probably 15 years ago. The knit was beautiful, and from the outside looks almost like boucle, but it's fuzzy as anything when cut, and the underside kept catching on my rings as I was handling it, so I decided the best way to make it last (and also not stretch with wearing), was to line it. I can always hand wash it. In the end, rather than lining it, I underlined, basting all the lining pieces to the wrong side of the sweater knit and neatening all the seams with zigzag stitching.
I've included photo of the inside showing the lining and the rust-colored grosgrain ribbon I used for instead of seam binding for the inside bands and the hems. Every time I thought I was done with this project I decided to add one more step.
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: Just extra width to the seam allowances, in case I needed it. The pattern is recommended for stretch fabrics, and while this sweater knit has some give, I wouldn't call it stretchy. So that was my "just in case" move.
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? I would definitely sew this again, once I find another fabric that demands it. It's cute, it's a great base pattern for a beautiful fabric, and it didn't take that long to put together (especially if you don't go to the unnecessary work of lining it and adding a ton of hand stitching). Highly recommended, especially if you've sewn a similar garment before - their instructions might be a little rough for a beginner.
Conclusion: If you can get past the busy fabrics and rocky instructions, My Image has some great patterns. I have 4 issues now, and their instructions have gotten better. Their patterns don't need improvement.
Full patternreview with a few more photos here.
HI there. I am a big fan of Myimage. I bought my first issue after reading about a skirt you made last year. I loved it and have been buying Myimage ever since. I just made a skirt (16) and shrug (25) from the most recent issue. I love them both. The skirt is to die for. I've had my eye on this sweater you made and will have to get to it now that I see your version. I love it.
I have a question. How do you find the sizes compared to Burda? I usually make a 38 in Burda but had to make a 36 for the skirt I just made. The shrug was fine in a 38.
What a great new sweater! I love the color scheme of the fabric too.
Oh very nice. I have 2 MyImage magazines, but have not yet made anything other than a collar from them. (I morphed their collar onto a TNT).
I like your just in case idea with the seam allowance. The fabric looks really cosy.
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