Thursday, April 11, 2013

One more day

until I'm a free woman and have to face the plans I've made.





Summer Flies said...

I just read you post about leaving your job. Good on you I say... welcome new life tomorrow. When you have your sanity, time and space you don't need things (ok not so many things). I've done this for nearly 10 years - making do, making my own, not spending (mostly) drive an old car and let the paint fall off the house so I can be a stay at home mum for my son. I started a business degree after his first year and a half of school and low an behold, in about 8 weeks I'll be finished! Enjoy.. you'll wonder why it didn't occur to you sooner.

annie said...

Today is that day. :)

Lori said...

Congrats and enjoy your new life. Try not to run out of the building screaming, jumping and kicking up your heels! LOL.

Jodie said...

Good for you. Good wishes and vibes coming to you from me. I love Lori's I expect you might be tempted to do just that!

Rosie said...

This is it! Chin up - everything works out the way it is supposed to.

The Slapdash Sewist said...

Can't wait to live vicariously through you! I haven't been working continuously as long as you have, but it's been 12 years since I had more than two weeks off at a time. Thirty years before I get more time than that is not appealing.

MarcyF said...

Congratulations! I think it's excellent that you made this choice for yourself--life's too short to commit so much time to a job you hate. Enjoy your freedom

annie said...

So are you and Mario celebrating with a nice glass of wine?