Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Month-End Review: January

Annie & Katie - enemies 99% of the time
Once upon a time, I used to do these for the garments sewn for myself each month.  I can't believe how long ago that feels.

Now, I'm going to try to do a quick review post here each month, just to tally what I've gotten up to and keep myself accountable for the production goals I've set myself.

January was pretty good, considering there were more than a few days where it was uncomfortably cold in the workroom.  Instead of bringing the machine to another room, I just worked quickly and in short spurts, filling in with housework (which needs doing anyway) and doing a lot of finish work on the couch in the evenings.  It worked.

January totals:  8 toddler dresses, 10 teddy bears, 44 microwave bowls, 14 potholders, 7 new product (still not quite tweaked to my liking, so no description yet).

Two of the stores that carry my work are closing, both of them a little ahead of their time for their locations, so I need to look for a few new venues.  Shops aren't big money-makers, because they generally sell on consignment, but I like having my work out in places where I don't frequently do shows.

I started teaching an afternoon sewing class at the arts league in my neighborhood.  Yesterday was the 5th class, though the week 4 was canceled due to snow.  It's going pretty well, though the vintage sewing machines (which are lovely) are complicating things because each one is different and the kids are having trouble adapting to different methods when they have to change machines.  It's a work in progress.

Nicky, turning the couch gray, one hair at a time
I'm looking forward to the start of spring show season, just to get out of the house a little more.  There are two booked already, one on April 24th in Bala Cynwyd and another in West Philly on April 30th, but not many places schedule this early.  I'm haunting all the local handmade crafters' groups on Facebook for new venues.

Now it's February, and I'm back to the machine.  This week is mixed projects - I need a few more size 2 dresses, and I had to drop off a half dozen bears at a shop, so there need to be a few more of those as well.  We'll see what else happens by the end of the week.


Unknown said...

Dear Karen: This comment is a long time coming but I really, really enjoy reading your blog because it reminds me of me and how I am finally accomplishing my goal of making and selling creative things and finding my way out of the cubicle. Thank you, thank you. Because of you I decided that selling at arts & craft festivals, etc. are better than e-commerce which equals no pressure. Keep up the great work and I also like your Etsy shop too. Lamar From Texas

SewTypical said...

I agree with Lamar's post. I love reading your blog, because it is so down to earth and inspiring with how you describe your work and the craft business you have built up!