Friday, October 6, 2017

Coffee and politics

This doll sits next to my phone at the office.

She reminds me, three days a week, that I need to pick up that phone and annoy contact my elected representatives.

Have you called your senator today?


Eve said...

Karen, I really like the new look of your blog. So neat !
And the content is inspiring, as always.... :)

SewTypical said...

I have links set up on my computer so I can easily email my senators & representative. Have to keep on pushing!

golden star said...

YASS! I actually called my MOC to ask if a staffer was overseeing the FB page since there are regular human trolls who need to be deal with.

Karen said...

I guess if there's one positive to what's happened in 2017, it's that we're all more aware of what's being done in our names, even if it's not on our behalf. I may not have voted for one of my senators, but he still represents me, and he needs to be reminded of that - often!

Sharon said...

I email my Congressman when the need arises and the White House, call when the timing is urgent. With email I can sneak it in with the rest of my work.

Abbey sews said...

Hi, I love your blog and loved this particular post. Am not in the U S but appreciate the sentiment. :)