I think I mentioned before that the first of these was made for a former co-worker, who had an African neighbor who took care of her granddaughter. When the woman prepared to return home, my friend asked for a piece of her clothing and asked me to make a doll so that her granddaughter would always remember her.
They're fun to make, and I love the colors and prints of the fabrics. I've found a few bits in thrift stores, in addition to using the leftovers from the first doll, but most of these were from remnants provided by sewing friends.
These tend to sell better online than in person, for some reason. I sold one last fall at an outdoor event - a little girl fell in love with the doll, and was starting a spectacular meltdown when her grandfather told her she couldn't have it. She didn't understand why, but when I looked at him, I did.
His wife looked from the doll to me to the granddaughter, and elbowed him in the ribs. "Give her the doll," she said. "She's growing up in a different world than we did, and there's no point in trying to stop it."
I think he would have liked to try, but the women - his wife, his granddaughter, the doll and me - won out in the end.

She's growing up in a different world... and isn't that a wonderful thing! My grandson's daycare is a multiracial family, and he truly thinks the youngest daughter is his sister. Do you think life will be easier when we stop seeing colors and start seeing people?
Sue, I hope so! I think it's wonderful that kids aren't growing up with a lot of the unconscious biases we might have had. Even things I don't actually believe, I sometimes have to check myself because there's a leftover thought in the back of my head that came from someone in my childhood. If they can escape that, we'll all be better off.
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