Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas to Me

Back on December 2nd, I ordered a few StyleArc patterns.  I hadn't intended to, but every review I've seen has been positive, and there have been glowing comments about them from people who don't tend to glow.  So, I thought, why not?  Give a new pattern company a shot; maybe it'll break me out of the sewing slump I've been in lately.

And I waited.  On December 12th, I got a ship notice.  (I'd really hoped they were on their way by then).

And I waited.  Today, December 28th, I came home after work and just happened to see something in the recycling bin on my porch that didn't look right.  Of course it didn't look right, it was a white plastic airmail envelope containing my StyleArc patterns.

Which for some reason the mailman deposited into the recycle bin when he couldn't manage to fold it and shove it through the mail slot.

Anybody want to guess what I might be doing this weekend?


shams said...

Wow, that was lucky that you noticed!!! I hope you have success with these!

Kay said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad your sharp eye noticed them!

Linda L said...

Glad you found these! Enjoy the adventure of sewing with something new.

gMarie said...

So glad you found them! I do hope they work out. Ummm, my guess is you'll be doing some sewing? Do you have Monday off? g

Sarah C said...

Enjoy! I have been wanting to try a couple of theirs and just haven't done it yet. I am going back to their site now to drool and probably order one or two.

Teri said...

Oh what fun! I have two SA patterns and love them both. Enjoy!

DawnSSL said...

Glad you noticed! The same thing happened to a package for my daughter. As it happend, I made it home before my husband and noticed a brown box in the recycle bin!

Anonymous said...

OMG your postie is a d*ck (or d*ckette-I'm all for equal flaming for both sexes). Our posties rotate so some days it's eejits and some days a really awesome dude that rocks a beard and is super polite +has a sense of humour.
Can't wait to see what you make with those patterns.
Edit: Ok this is my third and last go with your recaptchas if this doesn't work I'm giving up.Disqus at all? Please?