Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Cat Who Went Home

Houseguest no longer, the orange kitty went home today.  I put a "found cat" ad on our local news blog and the cat's mother, who had been away on vacation and came home last night to find her cat missing, called me this morning.  She lives a block away and came right over with a carrier to pick her up.

Turns out the cat sitter, her neighbor's teenage daughter, had left the door open on her first night and the cat had gotten out then.  By the time she chose my patio umbrella to camp on, she'd been out for two days!

Marigold's real name, by the way, is "Anthem," for the fact that she never, ever stops talking.

So that's the end of our tale.  All's well that ends well - the kitty's home, her mom's happy and I don't have ten cats anymore.


Kyle said...

Yay! A happy ending to your story!
What was Marigold's real name

Linda T said...

At least she found a good "temporary" home until her Mom got back!

Kyle said...

oh wait, you mentioned her real name! great name for a chatty cat!

badmomgoodmom said...

What a great resolution to the story.

Mae said...

Anthem and her mom are grateful you are such a good person. It even makes me happy to know there is at least one person like you out there! (And hopefully lots more.)

meredithp said...

Anthem is one lucky cat in closing her rescuers! Although that's probably a thing that all cats know (like their real name). A happy ending all around. Did the catsitter let the owner know that the cat was missing?

meredithp said...


Kristi Hobbs - PhD by Publication said...

This is so great that the kitty found her way back home. That poor owner probably was terrified when she found out that her beloved pet was missing. It is great that you were able to reunite the family.

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