Saturday, November 9, 2013

I'm not Worthy

I just sold 4 Christmas stockings to Kathleen Fasanella, the woman who changed my sewing life with one blog post.

I'm so not worthy.

Thank you, Kathleen.  For the purchase and the blog post.  One of these days I'll even get back to setting in sleeves.  I have great plans for January.


SEWN said...


luckylibbet said...

Really!!!!! That is so amazing! I read her blog every day that she publishes, although she really is concentrating on US sewn product manufacturing these days. I started going to her for her tutorials.

luckylibbet said...

I too loved that post. Favorite quote from the post:

Still worse, if the “experts” were wrong about this, how much of what else they’ve said is also bogus? Therein lies the problem with entrenched beliefs. Tear away one belief, others are quick to follow and then what are you left standing on? Maybe it’s time to think for yourselves.

This has translated to my life in many more areas than sewing.


Ann Made Studio said...

Nice stocking !

Little Hunting Creek said...

I'd be so excited! Very pretty stocking

Kathleen said...

Oh blush.

Fwiw, I buy a lot of one offs from indies. I just don't usually get called out on it.

And it is all relative. My mom, extended family and visitors are always so impressed when I mention that one of my designers or a designer I know, made X. 'Specially my mom (actually, she's my ex-stepmother).

Anyway, these will be perfect. They almost exactly match an antique quilt I bought a couple of years ago.

Nancy said...

What a wonderful Christmas stocking. Also, thank you for the referral to the other blog. I have yet to read the post to which you referred, but I am always happy to read good sewing blogs. I guess I am not too far from your location as I am in Hatboro. It's nice to "meet" a blogger from my home area.

Linda T said...

Of course you are worthy!

The Slapdash Sewist said...

Definitely an honor--congratulations!

Sewing said...

I'll look forward for your coming sleeves project, well the stocking is indeed lovely, specially the word JOY, simple yet meaningful.