Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Three Time Customer

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While my temp job has ended (I think), I'm still getting around to writing about the last piece I sold to one of my co-workers.  She bought a personalized doll for her granddaughter, then a few weeks later placed an order for an "African" looking doll because her Liberian neighbor often babysat for her, and then just a few weeks before the job ended, she asked for another one, this time to look like her neighbor from Laos/Cambodia.  She even provided a photo of the outfit she wanted the doll to wear.

That was the part that took a while, because I certainly didn't want to do that level of embroidery for a doll, but I also didn't want to just use a solid or print fabric.

Then the thrift store had a half price day, and I found this gorgeous green shirt with an embroidered hem and cuffs, and it called to me across the store.  I think it worked out well.

This woman's ideas are always a challenge, but her dolls turn out so cute in the end that I always make more of them for shows, and they always sell at shows.  One of the African ones even sold on Etsy last night, and it's hard to get found in such a saturated marketplace.

As far as "thinking" that my temp job has ended, they did ask me to come back for a week at the end of September.  I told them my reappearance was contingent upon how much product I could knock out between now and then.  At this point, I'm going to call the admin on Friday afternoon and let her know one way or the other.  Since I actually managed to get 24 owls cut, pieced and trimmed up yesterday, with only the eyes and the stuffing left, I'm feeling optimistic that I can manage to get 3 more days of office pay before the end of the month (not that I want to go back, but we're going on vacation in October, and every dollar is going to count in London).

The whole family


Anonymous said...

They remind me of "It's A Small World" at Disneyworld and ...land! And just as cute.
Great idea---ethnic dolls of the world. Stating that reminds me that my mother had a Storybook Doll (from the'30's)from around the world. Great work

Jane M said...

Just catching up on blogs and have loved these wonderful dolls, so creative, Karen.